Volume 9, Issue 1 (2021)                   CLRJ 2021, 9(1): 133-161 | Back to browse issues page

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Dehghan A, Valizadeh F. Comparative study of the components of "existential charm" in Sadegh Hedayat and Franz Kafka’s works. CLRJ 2021; 9 (1) :133-161
URL: http://clrj.modares.ac.ir/article-12-44915-en.html
1- Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran , a_dehghan@iaut.ac.ir
2- mahabad
Abstract:   (4065 Views)
Hedayat and Kafka Man is the only being who thinks about his being. This principle is the basis of a kind of philosophical worldview known as existentialism or existentialism. In this view, man has limited existential possibilities to get rid of internal contradictions and contradictions and escape from meaningful existence. Therefore, in the face of existence, man experiences the feeling of non-suspension, suspension, and suffering, and existential apprehensions. In explaining this feeling, some existential thinkers such as Kafka, by choosing the language of narration and the symbolic structure of fiction to the dry and specialized issues of existentialism, gave an artistic character, and some contemporary Iranian writers chose this method and attitude. Since the views in this field emphasize the influence of Hedayat from Kafka, the purpose of this article is to compare and contrast one of the manifestations of this philosophical worldview in the most prominent literary works of these two authors. To this end, the components of existential "apprehension" in the four stories of Kafka and Hedayat were examined and it was determined that semantics, identity loss, loneliness, suspense, doubt, fear, and eternal condemnation, mental and objective actions of the characters of each story. They have formed two writers. In addition to the influence of guidance and the commonality of the two authors in the principle of "apprehension", the stories of guidance are mostly related to the apprehensions of epistemology and psychology. But Kafkachr's novels show deep religious apprehension.
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