Volume 10, Issue 2 (2022)                   CLRJ 2022, 10(2): 99-121 | Back to browse issues page

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Arab yousofabadi F, arab yousofabadi A. A Comparative Investigation of Laghatah (Foundling) and Probably I Am Lost Novels Based on Maureen Murdock’s Theory. CLRJ 2022; 10 (2) :99-121
URL: http://clrj.modares.ac.ir/article-12-32705-en.html
1- -
2- - , arabighalam@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (1352 Views)
Laghatah, written by Abd al-Halim Abd Allah, and Probably I Am Lost, written by Sara Salar, are two examples of texts dealing with the status of women in a patriarchal society. The protagonists of Laghatah and Probably I Am Lost are named Leili and Ravi, respectively. Both novels’ protagonists are women limited by the society norms and their social role. Despite various turbulence, they experience an internal journey to achieve perfection. The present study investigated both novels comparatively based on Maureen Murdock’s theory using analytical-descriptive method. The paper aims to investigate the sequence of female heroes’ actions in Laghatah and Probably I Am Lost? Accordingly, the text structure of both novels as well as a set of their textual connections were evaluated and described through Murdock’s theory. The results showed that the sequence of Leili’s actions in Laghatah and Ravi’s in Probably I Am Lost follows a ten-stage model, including: passing from femininity, identification with men, tests pathimaginary success, being rejected as a powerful woman, falling in front of the goddess, femininity renewal, removing the gap between mother and daughter, finding the internal man, and reaching beyond duality.
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