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1- Visiting lecturer at Razi University. Kermanshah Iran
2- expert of international affairs deputy of Saadi Foundation, Tehran-Iran. Responsible author. ,
Abstract:   (35 Views)
Criticism of new historicism has been formed in opposition to traditional historicism. Contrary to traditional historicism, which speaks of the one-sided influence of history on literature, new historicism believes in the mutual influence of literature and history on each other. The story of Bahram and Golandam is one of the remarkable poems in Kurdish literature, which are called "Beit". Beits are syllable-weighted folktales recited by beit readers. It can be said that there are some similarities between the stories of Bahram and Golandam and Zal and Rudabeh. Therefore, it is possible to measure these two stories with each other. In this research, relying on library and documentary studies and with an analytical-comparative approach, we have tried to give a reading of the two stories in question based on the concepts of new historicism. The findings show that although both stories are apparently romantic and the conflicts are about love and marriage; But inside the story, power and discourse interests are fundamental issues. Every discourse tries to maintain its political and social interests.
Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Comparative research
Received: 2024/09/11 | Accepted: 2024/11/15

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