Volume 7, Issue 1 (2019)                   CLRJ 2019, 7(1): 117-141 | Back to browse issues page

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gholampour L. Comparative Comparison of the Prophetic Lives and the Unity of Being in Attar and Ibn Arabi's Mystical Thoughts. CLRJ 2019; 7 (1) :117-141
URL: http://clrj.modares.ac.ir/article-12-16335-en.html
1- mazandaran university
Abstract:   (8850 Views)
The subject and concept of fixed and unifying entities, The central thoughts of mysticism are Attar and Ibn Arabi. This article is about it To the American Adaptive Literature School Check ou Examine the similarities of the ideas from the perspective of Archetypes. According to the results, Attar and Ibn Arabi have similarities in the concepts of the unity of existence and immutable entities. The root of this similarity can be considered as a collective subconscious and an ancient pattern of self. The simorgh or the fixed prophets are the same example of the divine and the beginning in the creation of beings Which represents the first manifestation of the divine names And so are valuable And reaching it represents the ultimate goal of human growth. But in proportion to the difference in the cultural environment, Each of the characters has the following initiatives: Ibn Arabi’s innovation is the coinage of the term “immutable entities” with the two manifestations of the Most Holy Effusion and the Holy Effusion And it is the initiative of Attar Has invented In the correspondence of man and the world from the partial point of the original analogy "Particle and the Sun" and "Particle and the Universe" versus the repeated phylosophical depiction of the world's Ibn Arabi And from the general point of view, he has created a comprehensive Simorgh and thirty birds, including the mystical thought of the unity of existence with subcategories such as unity, ... Which expresses the unity of human thoughts.
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Article Type: Research Paper | Subject: Pathology of Schools and Approaches to Adaptive Literature
Received: 2016/12/9 | Accepted: 2019/06/15 | Published: 2019/06/15

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