Volume 12, Issue 4 (2025)                   CLRJ 2025, 12(4): 31-61 | Back to browse issues page

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tayefi S, Hajitabar H. Comparative Typology of Pain and Suffering in the Poems of Nima Youshij and Nizar Qabbani. CLRJ 2025; 12 (4) :31-61
URL: http://clrj.modares.ac.ir/article-12-78774-en.html
1- Allameh Tabataba'i University , sh_tayefi@yahoo.com
2- Farhangian University
Abstract:   (27 Views)
Since ancient times, pain and suffering have been one of the prominent manifestations of human life. These two concepts have always had numerous meanings and instances in human life, sometimes destructive and sometimes constructive, and have always had a wide reflection in literature during different periods. By examining the works of writers and poets, one can achieve different and specific types of pain and suffering in these works. In the present study, the typology of pain and suffering in the works of two contemporary Iranian and Arab poets, namely "Nima Youshij" and "Nizar Qabbani", has been comparatively studied using an analytical-descriptive method. Studies show that common types of various areas of pain and suffering, such as the suffering caused by love, being a poet, the suffering of oppression and tyranny, and social pain, can be found in the works of both poets. The first two types of pain and suffering mentioned above are more personal and individual in nature, and the other two types are more concerned with general and human suffering. This important fact indicates that pain and suffering in the intellectual system of these two poets has multiple dimensions and is not one-dimensional. Nima Yushij and Nizar Qabbani’s concern and depiction of social issues have caused the poems of both poets to reflect a lot of pain and suffering. Of course, this pain and suffering does not originate from despair and malice, nor does it lead to nihilism; rather,it is often rooted in the hope of creating change
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