1- Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature Department, University of Velayat.Iranshahr, Iran
2- Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Velayat University,Iranshahr, Iran , m.barariraeesi@Velayat.ac.ir
Abstract: (42 Views)
Khaghani, this self-confident singer does not consider anyone worthy of competition among his contemporaries. And he says: "I have a conflict with our predecessors." Therefore, he challenges the king of Arab poets, Junduh bin Hujr al-Kindi, known as Imru' al-Qais, to fight. He challenges"Qefa Nabak" poetry. It is clear that the examination of such a claim should be done in the Arabic poems of Khaqani, this bilingual singer. So, in this research, in order to gain a new understanding of the character of the two poets, we will use the French method of comparative literature to evaluate Khaqani's "Bakt-e-Rabba" and "Qefa Nabak" of Amrual-Qis. And we try to answer this question, how can Khaqani's view be evaluated in dealing with the poem "Qefa Nabak"? In order to get the answer to the above question, one should first explore the weight, rhyme, language and vocabulary in the upper layer. Then, in the infrastructure, crying over atlal and daman, its time and place in the sorrow of the singers, how to deal with the place and why, the style of each poet in self-praise, the singers' attitude towards morning and night, and finally, the connection between Khaqani and Amrualqis with the phenomenon. We have checked.