Volume 12, Issue 1 (2024)                   CLRJ 2024, 12(1): 161-189 | Back to browse issues page

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Nejad Mohammad V, MOHAMMADIAGDASH M, ‌Moradi Bastani G. A comparative reading of trauma and The Nocturnal harmony of the wood orchestra. CLRJ 2024; 12 (1) :161-189
URL: http://clrj.modares.ac.ir/article-12-73963-en.html
1- associate professor , va_nejad77@yahoo.fr
2- associate professor
3- Tabriz University
Abstract:   (837 Views)
In the current research, the issue of trauma in the novel Ulysses of Baghdad written by Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt and the Nocturnal harmony of the wood orchestra written by Reza Ghasemi have been investigated. In both novels, we see the migration of the main character of the story. The main character of the novel Ulysses from Baghdad (Saad) decides to migrate in order to escape from the civil war, and in the novel of the Nocturnal harmony, which depicts a surreal narrative of migration (Yadullah), we are looking for the reason for migration and the damages caused by it. Trauma or psychosis following a psychological injury that usually occurs to a person in childhood can have irreparable consequences that are very difficult and even impossible to treat. Migration, especially if it is unwanted, can cause a traumatic injury that sometimes causes multiple tears, feelings of depression, emptiness, loneliness and disorder. A person who experiences migration faces a new world in which many principles and boundaries will change. This comparative comparison shows that either voluntary or forced migration can have traumatic consequences and transform a person's identity. Also, a narrative of migration, whether real or surreal, leads to confusion in the writing and structure of the story, which themselves indicate a traumatic narrative.
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