Volume 12, Issue 2 (2024)                   CLRJ 2024, 12(2): 159-187 | Back to browse issues page

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farhani M. A comparative study of the manifestations of religious heritage in the poetry of Qeysar Aminpour and Fayiz Khaddur. CLRJ 2024; 12 (2) :159-187
URL: http://clrj.modares.ac.ir/article-12-72236-en.html
velayat .universsity. iransher , M.farhani@velayat.ar.ir
Abstract:   (1307 Views)
The American school of comparative literature provides a good opportunity to examine the literary works of different nations. War is a theme that Iranian and Palestinian writers have reflected in their works. This research examines the signs of religious heritage in the poetry of two resistance poets, Qeysar Aminpour and Fayiz Khaddur. These two poets, with the purpose of education and encouraging the people to fight against the enemy, have adapted stories from the Qur'an in their poems and have also used religious and historical characteristics. They have tried in this way to portray the sad state of society in Iran and Palestine during the time of the rulers. But Qeysar Aminpour, by portraying social events during the war, wanted to invite the youth to liberate the occupied parts of Iran. Also, both poets have depicted the ruins, destruction, and killings and emphasised the inevitable victory of the oppressed over the oppressors.
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