Volume 11, Issue 1 (2023)                   CLRJ 2023, 11(1): 160-203 | Back to browse issues page

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Barwasi E. Analyzing the realist-critical anti-imperialist approach In the poetic thought of Mohammad Rasoul Havar from the perspective of political sociology. CLRJ 2023; 11 (1) :160-203
URL: http://clrj.modares.ac.ir/article-12-68952-en.html
PhD in Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran , ebarwasi@gmail.com
Abstract:   (2491 Views)
Mohammad Rasoul Havar, an Iraqi Kurdish poet, is a contemporary poet in the 20th century, that her life time was contemporary with the dominance of fascist regimes and the shadow of imperialism's hegemony over Iraqi Kurdistan in order to advance the strategic policy of colonialism. In such a situation, Havar, as a committed poet, has turned his poems into a representation of the political-social and economic damages caused by imperialist policies. In the background of the poet's critical and anti-imperialist attitude, in addition to the occupation and colonization of the motherland, there are fundamental factors that have led the poet to anti-colonialism and anti-imperialist approach. Since an independent research has not investigated the factors of Havar's tendency towards anti-imperialist thought, the author is determined to investigate this phenomenon in his poems. The fundamental issue of the current research is that how and in what formats are the underlying factors of the anti-imperialist approach manifested in the poet's poems and with what concepts are they connected? In order to investigate this issue, the author has used the descriptive-analytical method based on the sociological investigation of the poet's compositions. War-mongering and commercial attitude towards the fate of colonized nations, depriving the colonized and paying attention to imperialist-capitalist interests, the trade and spread of narcotics in the colonies, the false claims and propaganda of imperialism about human rights, The silence of Western imperialism against the slaughter of the Kurdish people and their role in ruining the fate of the Kurds in cooperation with
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