1- Assistant Professor of Shahid Bahonar univercity , N.Fallah@mail.uk.ac.ir
2- Assistant Professor of Shahid bahonar univercity
Abstract: (2931 Views)
Carl Raymond Popper(1902- 1994), an Austrian philosopher presented his theory as critical rationalism and affected quickly this theory in different aspects of human life. Critical rationalism with criticism of traditional and inclusive rationality created an important development in the field of epistemology. This article with the descriptive and analytical method by studying all aspects of his theory has classified it into five major aspects. after that by studying the sonnet of Hafez, a famous Iranian poet in the eighth century, with emphasizing its critical nature, basic similarities between these two great critics are described and classified. Structural similarities of Hafiz thought has been classified into five major aspects such as the property of cognition and its masters, sources of cognition and its techniques, and the moral and religious appearance of it with emphasis on the nature of his intuitive cognition and simultaneously his objectivity and attention to society. The basic similarities of this comparison have proven Hafiz transcendental opinion and critical thought in the encounter to events of his period.
Keywords: Critical Rationalism, Intuitive cognition, Carl Raymond Popper, Sonnet of Hafez.
Pathology of Schools and Approaches to Adaptive Literature Received: 2021/05/24 | Accepted: 2021/05/24 | Published: 2021/05/24