Volume 8, Issue 2 (2020)                   CLRJ 2020, 8(2): 23-46 | Back to browse issues page

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nikoubakht E, Ghobadi H, Alizamani A, nikoubakht N. A Comparative Study of the Impact of Death Consciousness on the Powerfull Characters, in Caligula's play by Albert Camus and Zahhak's story in Shahnameh. CLRJ 2020; 8 (2) :23-46
URL: http://clrj.modares.ac.ir/article-12-36290-en.html
1- phd. candidate , e.nikoubakht@gmail.com
2- full professor of tarbiat modares university
Abstract:   (4627 Views)
Death" is the inevitable event of all humans. Some put it into oblivion, and some epistemologically accept it as reality and certainty. Investigating and analyzing the narratives of the two tyrannical, powerful and bloodthirsty characters in stories of Ferdowsi and Albert Camus and how they deal with their own and others' deaths is the main issue of this study. Caligula and Zahhak, who saw themselves as the absolute commander of the life and property of human, believed that they could also control death, trying to rid themselves of the fear of death by killing others, but nature faced with the phenomenon of death. How Ferdowsi (representing Islamic scholars) and Albert Camus (representing Existentialism) deal with the events of the story illuminates the philosophy of life and death from the standpoint of two thinkers in the East and the West. Both officials, after gaining power, commence unprecedented oppression and killing. Like all people in the world, they are scared to death and want to seize the power of nature to kill humans by killing them. Killing is the only way to combat the fear of death. The fate of both characters is similar, and eventually they are ousted from power due to murder and bloodshed against both rebels
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