Assistant Porfessor of Arabic language and Litrerature, University of Sistan and Baluchestan
Abstract: (10105 Views)
Semar Al-Gholoob is a book in Arabic word and the addition and possessive and names attributed that the covenant Saalabi Neyshabouri, early fifth century AD, the Arabic language has spread. With regard to cultural and linguistic background of the trade that exists between Persian and Arabic, manifestations of culture, language and some elements of historical references to Iran and the Persian language are reflected in this work. In the present study, to investigate the reflection of the Persian language and Iranian culture also been applied in the Semar al-Gholoob that they are categorized of four of places, social-cultural issues, characteristic of regions and areas, historical references and language issues. The method described in this paper, descriptive and analytical. The main research question is Persian words in Arabic are involved and influential cultural structures that are available in Semar al-Gholoob, to which one of the dimensions of Persian and Iranian community life is concerned? Our hypothesis is that the effects of the Persian language, mostly related to the area of urban life and faith are the kingdom and governance that was lacking tribal way of Arab life and the Bedouins. Mention place names, foods, wearable, products and special features that a city or region is also ranked.
Received: 2015/11/26 | Accepted: 2016/02/9 | Published: 2016/05/21