Volume 7, Issue 3 (2019)                   CLRJ 2019, 7(3): 59-93 | Back to browse issues page

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yahyaei M, pouralkhas S, zahiri B. A research on the literary aspects of “mother” by ali hatami. CLRJ 2019; 7 (3) :59-93
URL: http://clrj.modares.ac.ir/article-12-23747-en.html
1- phd candidate of mohaghegh university
2- associate professor of mohaghegh university , pouralkhas@uma.ac.ir
3- Associate Professor of of mohaghegh University
Abstract:   (7988 Views)
The emergence of the formalism school in the early years of the twentieth century has had a profound impact on the way in which literary and artistic texts are analyzed. Hence, the study of literacy in a cinematic work is not limited to vocabularies and also includes linguistic, visual and content aspects of the work. As in literature, the use of figures of speech (semantics eloquence rhetoric) in words and speech makes the text eloquent in the cinema these figures of speech with the help of images, montage, mise en scene, lighting , … create eloquent meaning differently. The present paper, based on formalists and neo-formalist views, seeks to study and analyze the film “mother” by Ali hatami from the point of view of literary and explaining its artistic and literary aspects. For this purpose in addition to analyzing the text of the script rhetoric has been analyzed in its images. According to the analysis  it should be said that the use of many literary arrays in the dialogue between the characters of the story and the use of methods and techniques for the transfer of concepts by the image-these methods have a long history in the literature- made the work of hatami prominent in literary style and gave it an independent identity that  with every time exposed by the informed audience to this work  the literary capacity and influence of the lexical and concept  terms of classical Persian literature are more than ever evident.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: A comparative study of literary texts with fine arts
Received: 2018/08/3 | Accepted: 2019/03/9 | Published: 2019/09/1

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