Volume 7, Issue 3 (2019)                   CLRJ 2019, 7(3): 197-221 | Back to browse issues page

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-arab yousofabadi -, - -. A comparative study of body language in the novel "Days with him" from Colette Khoury and "Drunkard Morning" by Fattaneh Haj Seyed Javadi. CLRJ 2019; 7 (3) :197-221
URL: http://clrj.modares.ac.ir/article-12-23355-en.html
1- Faculty member of Zabol University , arabighalam@uoz.ac.ir
2- -
Abstract:   (7821 Views)
Nonverbal communication as one of the branches of psychology extensive amounts of body work are included who call that body language. this language contains all the messages that are people with looks, facial expressions and gestures pass on to others. in addition, body language is widely used in everyday communication between individuals in literature, the reader understands and understands the text. in this study, it is attempting the body language in Days with him's novel (1960) of the Colette Khoury and the Drunkard Morning (2016) from Fattaneh Haj Seyed Javadi by relying on the descriptive-analytical method and a comparative approach. the results indicate that in both novels, the body language has almost the same function (12% in the Days with him and 10% in the Drunkard Morning). also, because concepts such as happiness, anger, fear and anxiety in non-verbal behaviors of female characters, there are two frequencies of frequency. these concepts are in the face of characters (67% in the Days with him and 55% in the Drunkard Morning) there is a lot of reflection. this is the amount of function of face tone that is usually this part of the body when communicating, more usable and visible.
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