1- Department of Psychology (Associate professor), Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran.
2- Master of Art in Educational Psychology, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran
3- Master of Art in Educational Psychology,Economics and Social Sciences,Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran
4- Department of Persian Language and Literature(Assistant Professor),Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran
Abstract: (11551 Views)
Wisdom is a complex concept for which an accepted definition has not been presented yet. However, experts generally agree that wisdom consists of knowledge, insight, reflection, and the combination of an individual’s interests and others’ welfare. Due to the mysterious nature of wisdom, it has been the focus of research in different times, places and cultures. Since wisdom has a close relation with culture, and no clear definition of wisdom is available in Iranian culture, the present study analyzed and discussed wisdom and wisdom features in Shahnameh through the comparative study of characteristics of wisdom behavior in Zal based on Ardedt’s three-dimensional model. The population of this qualitative study included Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh. Through purposive sampling, Zal was selected for further analysis. Shahnameh’s content was analyzed through open coding, axial coding, and selective coding. Findings showed that wisdom features include religiosity and ethics, thinking/ awareness, perception of facts and lack of subjectivism and projection, empathy / affection and support/ service, communication and acquisition of cultural experiences and values. Furthermore, results showed that it is possible to express wisdom in five different dimensions, including spiritual, cognitive, reflective, emotional, social and cultural dimensions.
Pathology of Schools and Approaches to Adaptive Literature Received: 2016/12/9 | Accepted: 2017/12/27 | Published: 2018/05/30