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Volume 0, Issue 0 (1-2024)

Microcredit plays a vital role in the food security of rural households. However, to the best of our knowledge, the effects of microcredit on improving the food security of households have not yet been well studied and understood in Iran. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the success of microcredit programs on enhancing the food security of rural households in Zehak county using the propensity score matching method and bootstrap algorithm. For this purpose, two food security indices, including the Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS) and the Food Consumption Score (FCS), are used. The results revealed that 100% of the households face food insecurity. The prevalence of food insecurity was 20.0%, 42.5%, and 37.5% for mild, moderate, and severe food insecurity, respectively. In addition, 30% of households are in poor status of food consumption. Our findings emphasize the positive and significant role of microcredit in improving food security. The results showed that microcredit decreased the HFIAS index of the recipient households by 24.31-27.81% and increased the FCS index by 25.87-31.45%. Therefore, policy-makers and decision-makers should promote and strengthen governmental and non-governmental organizations providing microcredit. It is also recommended to provide information and reduce collateral restrictions to increase households' access to microcredit.

Volume 1, Issue 1 (3-2013)

Today fingerprinting techniques are increasingly adopted as an alternative and more direct and reliable means of assembling sediment source information. One of the principal assumptions of sediment fingerprinting is that potential catchment sediment sources can be distinguished on the basis of their physical, geochemical and biological properties or fingerprint properties. However, while the source fingerprinting approaches necessarily assume conservative behaviour of the fingerprint properties, some in-stream alteration of these properties during both transport and short-term storage is probably inevitable. This potential limitation must be judged in the context of the problems associated with the use of sediment fingerprinting techniques. Samples of sediment source and reservoir sediment collected during the present study have been used to determine the conservative behavior of fifteen fingerprint properties. Comparison of fingerprinting property concentrations of intensive properties used in fingerprinting indicates there is an increase in content of the N, P, C, Co, Cr, clay minerals (smectite, illite, kaolinite), Low Frequency Magnetic Susceptibility (XLF) and Frequency Dependent Magnetic Susceptibility (XFD) and decrease in clay mineral chlorite and base cations Ca, Mg, Na and K. The results indicate that N, Na and smectite properties have no significant difference in reservoir sediment samples than that in sediment source samples and therefore are useful for fingerprinting investigations in these catchments.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (9-2011)

Outsourcing means strategic use of other company's resources to accomplish business processes, which can be in the form of outsourcing or offshore outsourcing. One of the important risks of outsourcing projects is selecting an inappropriate contractor. Contractor selection process is very complex because of many and sometimes contradictive criteria. So it needs accurate investigations. The purpose of this research is to design a framework for selecting an appropriate contractor in outsourcing and offshore outsourcing and to specify the weight of each criterion. Method of data gathering is questionnaire which is distributed among internal and external managers and experts. This framework could be helpful for the managers of organizations in contractor selection decision making processes and causes risk reduction in these projects. The results showed that there are twenty important criteria in outsourcing and twenty four criteria in offshore outsourcing; some of them are contractor's innovation, financial stability and cultural adaptation. Keywords: Outsourcing, Offshore outsourcing, Contractor, Criteria, Capability.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (3-2018)

The main aim of this paper is to analysis of chemical performance of hydrogen peroxide based on numerical and parametric methods. The proper chemical function of the catalytic bed, as one of the components of monopropellant thruster, plays a significant role in achieving the two design main goals in (minimizing mass and maximizing the specific impulse). To this end, the effect of catalyst diameter (granules) on the bed chemical performance, optimal length and pressure drop, simulations for beds with different catalytic pellet diameters have been made to 0.4-0.9 cm diameters. Hydrogen peroxide with a concentration of 90% is defined as an inlet fluid at 0.014 m/s in simulations. The calculation of flow pressure drop across the catalyst bed is one of the activities undertaken in this study. The results of this study indicate that with increasing the pellet diameter, the reaction effective surface is reduced and the catalyst bed length is increased for complete decomposition of the propellant. In addition to the required length for complete decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, the pressure drop in various catalyst beds have also been calculated and evaluated. The results of the catalytic bed drop evaluation indicate that at a specific flow rate, a minimum pressure drop will be made in a specific diameter. The reason for this is the interaction of reaction surface and catalyst bed lengths on the pressure drop generated during the propellant decomposition process. Verification and validation of achieved results was conducted by comparing with experimental results.

Volume 1, Issue 2 (3-2018)

Nowadays, investigating and researching on energetic polymers in order to increase mechanical, thermodynamic, and detonational properties of them have been highly regarded. One of these energetic polymers is GAP. In this paper, molecular dynamics simulation has been used to compare the properties of GAP and GTP energetic polymers. GTP, in principle is the modified form of GAP, in which functional group of triazolium methyl nitrate has been added instead of azide. The mechanical properties of GAP is a challenging topic in the field of energetic materials. Due to the attributes of the 3 azoliom methyl nitrate ring, the mechanical and thermodynamic properties of GTP are expected to be higher than GAP. The results obtained by molecular dynamics simulation showed that GTP is a stable material and its mechanical properties such as Young, and shear modulus compared to GTP have been decreased 27% and 32% respectively, and bulk modulus, Poisson coefficient, and K/G ratio compared to GTPhave been increased 17%, 42%, and 71% respectively. It was also found that the detonation speed, detonation pressure, and oxygen balance of energetic polymer compared to GAP, have been increased 5%, 14%, and 21% respectively. As a result, usage of GTP will increase as a modified GAP material in applications such as clean and chlorine-free propellants for the solid propellant rockets and also safety systems of automobiles.

Volume 1, Issue 3 (9-2013)

This study was conducted to choose the best species for plantation on a poor drainage soil in southern coast of Caspian Sea, Iran. Nutrient concentrations in live and senescent leaves and soil properties were compared among Alnus subcordata C.A.Mey (N-fixing tree), Populus deltoides­ Marsh. (Non N-fixing tree)and Taxodium distichum (L.) Rich. (Coniferous tree) plantations. In each of these plantations and an adjacent natural forest, six 20×20m plots have been selected according to a 100m × 100m randomly systematic grid. Leaf samples of green trees were collected from the bottom one-third of the tree crown by clipping two small twigs located on opposite sides of the crown (six representative trees were sampled in each plot). Senescence leaves have been collected inside wooden trap-based in each stand. Results revealed different effects of species on soil nutrients. Alnus subcordata increased soil N (%) whereas Populus deltoides­ and Taxodium distichum reduced it.The results of nutrition, litter quality, retranslocation and soil properties indicated that Alnus improve soil quality in comparison with the two others.

Volume 1, Issue 3 (9-2013)

Some Biochemical properties of silver carp surimi prepared by application of acid-alkali aided methods were investigated and compared to that of derived by conventional method. In terms of total protein solubility and recovery, lipid reduction, and total pigment extractability and myoglobin removal there was a significant (P<0.05) difference among the treatments. Acid-aided method showed the most efficiency to recover more proteins (86.2%) in comparison to the alkaline-aided (79.8%) and conventional (76.7%) methods. The lipid reduction percentage was recorded as 43.6%, 58.4% and 72.3% for the conventional method, and acid-alkali aided methods, respectively. In terms of total pigment removal, the conventional method showed higher efficiency (P<0.05) compared to the pH-shifting methods. Conversely, fish protein solubilisation by acid-alkali aided techniques was more efficient (P<0.05) compared to the conventional method of making surimi. In conclusion, pH-shifting techniques were superior in comparison with the conventional method in order to recover more functional proteins and to efficiently reduce the lipid and myoglobin content of resultant fish protein isolate.

Volume 1, Issue 3 (10-2014)

Background: Acne vulgaris is an inflammatory chronic disease of pilosebaceous unit. One of the most important factors playing a role in occurrence of acne is presence of Propionibacterium acnes. With the aim of molecular identification of the P. acnes from the acne vulgaris lesions, current research was carried out. Methods: In this study, contents within the lesions was collected from 70 patients. The presence of the P. acnes was examined by a specific PCR technique. Results: Of 70 samples, 58 samples (82.85%) were determined to be positive in terms of presence of P. acnes. No significant relationship was observed between presence of P. acnes and each one of the studied demographic factors, including gender, age, disease period, family background and treatment background. Conclusions: The adopted molecular technique has obviated the limitations associated with the culture method for identification of the bacteria. To overcome the problems with conventional culture techniques for P. acne, this PCR method is promising for better identification of this bacterium.

Volume 1, Issue 3 (10-2021)

Throughout the texts of contemporary logicians, it has been explicitly or implicitly stated that the division of propositions into actuality, mental and factual, has no effect on logical syllogisms. In the following text, first, by analyzing the opinions of contemporaries on the division of propositions into actuality, mental and factual, the differences and similarities of the opinions in this regard have been identified. Then we examine the position of the conditional's quantifier and its effect on the conditions of conditional-categorical syllogisms (conjunctive or exceptive) in the opinions of contemporary logicians. In the final step and based on the conditions of conditional-categorical syllogisms (conjunctive or exceptive), we have shown that some of the moods that most contemporaries have declared to be valid have counter-examples, and only with the factual of the categorical premises in all situations and for all samples will result.

Volume 1, Issue 4 (12-2008)

The purpose of present article is to introduce the basic constituents of the story blueprint, and principles governing them. By the story blueprint I intend the reader's inference about some relatively short sequences of narrative events. The local rules operative on these sequences help the reader discriminate story characters' goal-directed actions from unintentional events and states, before mentally modeling an overall structure of interlinked larger sequences within a storyworld. Action, event, and state are among the concepts inextricably connected with the notion of story and reiterated through the history of narrative analysis. The concepts at issue, and with them the nature and scope of narrative itself, have been further illuminated by recent insights offered mainly by linguists, philosophers, and cognitive scientists. Most of these developments occurred long before the establishment of cognitive sciences, and even before the heyday of structuralist narratology. But despite their availability at the time, they have been brought within the compass of classical theories of narrative since only a couple of decades ago. Narrative theorists argue that to tell and comprehend stories is to operate within a system of rules in which events are preferentially viewed as structural sequences of intentionally-oriented actions. In recent works on the semantics of verbs, however, language theorists have made finer-grained classifications of expressible events, with actions as a mere subcategory. This article is thus meant to explore some of the implications of verb semantics for narrative theory, especially as concerns typology of narratives under various genres.

Volume 2, Issue 1 (4-2002)

In this paper, a new propagation model based on UTD for multiple diffraction paths in cellular mobile radio communications in urban environments is proposed. Moreover, the most rigorous novel UTD-based expressions for multiple diffractions by buildings and excess path losses are d - rived and analyzed. For this purpose, building rows are supposed to have rectangular cross-sections with the same heights and spacings. In addition, in this analysis actual electrical roperties of buildings are regarded. Previous studies have been concentrated on the simplified models that approximated building rows as absorbing half-screens or perfectly conducting half screens (knife-edges) or 90 degrees wedges. In this work, buildings are assumed flat-roofed parallel rows of dielectric blocks and their actual relative permittivity and conductivity are applied.

Volume 2, Issue 2 (9-2018)

In this study, the effects of drying temperature and mechanical pressure on the surface structure and dynamical properties of polyaniline (PAni) were studied. PAni was synthesized through the aniline polymerization process in the presence of ammonium persulfate in acidic medium and normal methyl-2-pyrrolidine solution. The obtained solution was dipped on a substrate of quartz glass. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) analysis based on nano-indentation tests were used to determine the values of hardness, Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio of the films. The results of the analysis of the scanning electron microscope demonstrated that the surface morphology of the film is changed from a fiber-to-interconnected cross-linked networkby increasing the drying temperature. The transmission electron microscope analysis showed that the diameter of the fibers on the surfaces dried at 318 K and 418 K was 18 and 30 nm, respectively. AFM results showed that the mean surface roughness of PAni film at 318 K without mechanical pressure was 63 nm, while for the film pressed at 5 MPa was less than 35 nm. Thermo-mechanical analysis showed that the glass transition temperature of the PAni film prepared without mechanical pressure and the film pressed at 5 MPa were 386 K and 378 K, respectively. Investigating the temperature dependence and applied pressure on the film surface in determining the viscoelastic properties of the PAni nanostructured film can provide readers with appropriate information about the storage and loss modulus of the film and the activation energy of the polymer layer during the thermal decomposition process.

Volume 2, Issue 2 (9-2018)

In this study, three different size (100-300-500 µm) of the rubber powder (waste tire) were used in the formulation of epoxy- phenolic adhesive. Rubber powder was modified with grafting method by acrylamide monomer. In order to prevent any loss in properties such as modulus and strength of the adhesive, which is due to the addition of rubber powder to the adhesive, the micro particles of silica were used in formulation of epoxy- phenolic adhesive.  The experiment was designed by Taguchi method, and in the experiment, the effect of the composition of rubber powder, size of rubber powder, composition of silica filler and phenolic resin on mechanical and thermal properties of epoxy adhesives were investigated. To study the mechanical properties of adhesives and adhesion properties, dumbbell-shaped specimens and single edge lap bonds that have been made of metal (stainless steel) to composite (epoxy resin / carbon fiber) were prepared and subjected to tensile test. Thermal stability and interfacial interaction between epoxy and filler in adhesive formulation were explored by thermogravimetric analysis and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analyses, respectively.  Tensile test results showed that for lap- joint bonding with the addition of each factor in its optimal level into epoxy adhesive, strength, modulus and toughness increase by 7.5%, 27.56% and 114% respectively in comparison with  the samples bonded with the neat  epoxy adhesive. A significant increase was obtained in thermal stability for formulated adhesive samples compared with neat epoxy adhesive.

Volume 2, Issue 3 (9-2014)

Since the change of land use accrued in the Iran, especially in northern Iran, this research aims tocompare the spatial variability of soil properties in three adjacent land uses including cultivated by wheat lands, grazing lands and forest Lands covered by juniperus sp,  fagus orientalis, quercus castanifolia, and acer velotinum species in kiasar region, Mazandaran Province, northern Iran. Some of soil features, i.e. pH, CaCO3, total nitrogen (TN), soil organic carbon (SOC), electric conductivity (EC), percentage of silt, clay and sand contents and saturation moisture content(SM) were measured at a grid with 20 m sampling distance on the top soil (0 – 30 cm depth). Accordingly, total of 147samples were taken from 49 soil sites. The normality of data was examined by the tests of normality. Then, data were analyzed by using of geostatistics approach. The results showed that spatial distribution of many soil properties could be well described by spherical model in the forest and exponential model in the cultivated and grazing lands. Spatial dependences were the highest for SOC, EC and the lowest for silt, (SOC and silt) in the forest method and grazing lands, respectively. Deforestation and conversion to cultivated and grazing lands decreased spatial dependence of soil properties.

Volume 2, Issue 3 (2-2019)

Due to increase in global demand of propylene, many extensive studies and research have been done to find alternative method for lower energy consumption and efficiency. In this research, gamma alumina is used for molybdenum catalyst base in oxidative dehydrogenation process of propane, in order to produce the propylene. The catalysts are prepared based on wet impregnation method. The analysis of  FTIR, XRD, BET, SEM, and XRF are done to evaluate and determine the  characteristics of prepared catalysts. Central composition method is employed to study the influence of reaction temperature, molybdenum loading percentage, oxygen to propane ratio, and the effect of interactions between them in propylene production. The molybdenum in the range of 4-16%, propane to oxygen ratio in ‎the range of 1-3%, and temperature in the range of 380-540 ºC are the input parameters of ‎the central composite method. Finally, according to reactor test and analysis of the results of the Design expert software, it is shown that the predicted models for propane conversion, propylene selectivity, and efficiency persentage of oxidation dehydrogenation are about 95%. Maximum of efficiency percentage with a value of 14.02% is obtained at 487 ºC, 11.22% molybdenum percentage, and propane to oxygen ratio of 1.5, which in experimental results, achieving an accuracy of 94% is possible as compared to the optimal design of the test design model.

Volume 2, Issue 3 (2-2019)

Molecular imprinting is a novel technique for preparing specific absorbents with selective sites for binding to the target molecule. Molecularly imprinted polymers, because of their high selectivity and stability, low cost and easy methods of preparation, have been widely employed in separation procedures. In this study, we evaluated the synthesized electrospun imprinted membrane (MIM) as a specific sorbent for herbicide mecoprop (MCPP). The films were prepared using methacrylic acid (MAA) as functional monomer and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) as a main part of polymeric solution and in the presence of dichloromethane (DCM) and Trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) as the solvents. The template was extracted through washing, results in the free specific memory sites within the films. Then, the synthesized electrospun imprinted membrane (MIM) was evaluated as a specific sorbent for herbicide mecoprop (MCPP). The results showed that the solution with 20% w/v of PET was the optimal solution for electrospinning process and at all different MCPP/MAA molar ratios (1:2, 1:4. 1:6 and 1:8), MIM had higher removal ability for template molecule (p<0.05) compared to NIM. The template/monomer ratio of 1:4 had the best binding amount. We also investigated the capability of MIM to be used as sorbent for pesticide 2,4-D, that is, the analogue of the main template molecule and diazinon, that is, the pesticide with different structure to the template. In addition, we used synthesized MIM and NIM films to extract MCPP analyte from environmental aqueous samples (bottled water and groundwater) and the results indicated successful performance of MIM compared to NIN.

Volume 2, Issue 4 (2-2016)

In some of the theological verses of the Holy Quran, there are some expressions in which God addresses the holy prophet (pbuh) with a reproachful and warning tone. Some of the most prominent types of these blames are prohibitionofidolatry, enjoining to ask for God's forgiveness, prohibition of doubt, prohibition of following the requests of the people of the Book, notifying the priority of the fear of God over the fear of men, emphasizing the protection of God, and blaming the prohibition of God's Halal. Since the translation of these expressions to Persian or any other language may cause the readers to be suspicious about the chastity of the holy prophet (pbuh), the translation of these verses has become sensitive and serious, leaving the translator with too much responsibility. Hence, it is important for the translator to have special considrarion and dominance over theological fundamentals to be able to accurately transfer the content of these verses along with sustaining the grammatical and rhetorical structures and also the homology of influence on the readers between the source and the target passage. This study – utilizing the opinions of exegetes and researchers of Quran and relying on the theological presumptions – intends to analyze some of the most prominent translations of these verses. In this way, after explaining the possible weeknesses and strengths of these translations and assessing the different methods employed in them, such as literal, loyal, free and interpretative translations, the most succesful method in adapting the true meaning of these verses is introduced.

Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2019)

The current study is based on synthesis a low cost carbon aerogel with improved properties and thermal insulator approach. In this work cheap novolac resin are used as a raw material for producing polymer aerogel by ambient drying method; then the coal tar pitch is added to samples by immerging them in pitch solution. In next step novolac-pitch polymer aerogels is converted to carbon nano-structure aerogels by pyrolysis heat treatment at inert atmosphere. The results proved, nano-structured aerogels with predictable density will be achieved by this method; also by studying on microstructure and morphology of aerogels it founded these aerogels have high porosity, low density(about 0.1-0.4 g/cm3) and high specific surface area (about 600 m2/g). The charring pitch was a lot and using of it made improved thermal properties that resulted in at least 100s delay in increasing temperature in time-temperature history test; as a result a high performance thermal insulator achieved.

Volume 2, Issue 4 (3-2019)

Dehydrogenation of alkane to alkene is a key process in petrochemical industry. Propylene has intermediate role to production many industrial polymers. In this research applying oxidative dehydrogenation method for propylene production and CO2 used as oxidant. By use of XRD, Raman, TEM, BET and EDX techniques the results have been analyzed. In XRD and Raman tests anatase phase and Titania nanotubes have been distinguished. TEM confirmed TiNTs with pure structure. Vanadium catalyst with 5% of vanadia synthesized by impregnation method. Adding silicon in support increased thermal stability of catalyst. Raman and XRD method confirmed good distribution of active phase on supports. VSiTi catalyst have 28.31% conversion and 51% selectivity in 550 oC. Improvement in yield of propylene production would be in result of higher surface area and good distribution of vanadia over modified Titania nanotubes.  

Volume 2, Issue 6 (12-2004)

Vladimir Propp, the Russian folklore expert, suggested that natural sciences study styles should be used in ordinary stories. He believed that classification of stories is the result of many researches at the end of studies but, most of the scholars traditionally classify the subjects and include the working materials in the form of such imposed classification.
            Propp himself studied the morphology of one hundred of the Russian tales collected by Afanasyof. He discovered that all the available works in tales are limited to 31 functions. He thought that type of the tale, which should be discovered, is covered under the disordered appearance of the standards ruling on the tales. It is regarded as the first founding of narratives. He determined a symbol for each of these functions and by putting them together, finalized them and reached the wonder tales.  
            Use of modern methodology criticism in classic literature always faces difficulties. This research is an attempt to examine this model in comparative literature. The material used for this study includes a tales of the ” Arabian Nights ” covering the main story and also three other ones. In analyzing this anecdote not only the Propp’s methodological symbols are used but, other symbols have been used as required and finally morphology model of the story are presented. Applying this method which is regarded as a test for morphology, can separate the annexed tales from the main ones based on the reached structural model.  

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