Volume 13, Issue 3 (2024)                   CLRJ 2024, 13(3): 127-153 | Back to browse issues page

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dehani M A. The influence of the Persian on the Balochi poems of Mawlawi Abdollah Rawanbod. CLRJ 2024; 13 (3) :127-153
URL: http://clrj.modares.ac.ir/article-12-76279-en.html
Assistant professor of Persian language and literature at the University of Velayat , m.dehani@velayat.ac.ir
Abstract:   (485 Views)
Balochi and Farsi are branches of the family of Iranian languages ​​that have been in the Iranian plateau and in the neighborhood with each other and interacted with each other throughout history. One of the functions of comparative literature is to investigate the effectiveness and influence between the literature of different languages. Considering the cultural predominance of Persian language and literature in Iran and its widespread influence among Muslim nations, its effects on Balochi literature and poetry are obvious and significant.. The influence of Balochi poets on Persian reached its peak in the second period of Balochi literature and the school of Mullahs. Mawlavi Abdollah Rawanbod is one of the famous Balochi poets and the last generation of poets of this school. He is a bilingual poet whose Balochi poems are influenced by Persian language and literature. This article has analyzed the Rawnbod’s balochi poems with a descriptive-analytical method and has shown this aspect in his Balochi poems. Rawanbod's poems are not uniform in terms of the influence of Persian language and literature. Even though his poems are strongly influenced by Persian poets like Saadi in terms of theme and fantasy elements, but in terms of language, they are fluent and original. And sometimes he is so influenced by Persian in writing Balochi poetry that the stanzas become Persian with a slight change or adjustment of a word, and even some of them can be considered completely Persian.
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