Volume 11, Issue 4 (2023)                   CLRJ 2023, 11(4): 27-60 | Back to browse issues page

XML Persian Abstract Print

Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanity, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran. , ekhtiari@um.ac.ir
Abstract:   (687 Views)
Gasemi Gonabady (1603) is a famous poet for his National _Historical epics. At the beginning his Masnavis he starts with a introductory part and then he arrange a Mearaj _ Name. Ghasemi has described the Mearaj of the Prophet Muhammad in a strong and high quality of poetry in such a way that can consider his Mearaj _ Name as a superior part of his poetry. Gasemi described a very exciting picture of this Journey. In the present research first all Mearaj _ Name from Masnavis of Ghasemi were evaluated and all aspects of Mearaj was arranged as he described; then was compared with those in the book of Al Mearaj written by Ghoshairy. By this comparison   Theses questions were answered: 1) which steps of this Holy journey did come to attention of Ghasemi?2) what are commonality and the difference between Ghasemi and Ghoshairy. The results showed that although Ghasmi and Ghoshairy,s point  of  view  are very  closed  to each  other, but Ghasemi had described  Mearaj  events  more. precisely with more relevant pictures. Both poets believe to bodily Mearaj. hasemi believes that Prophet Muhammad saw God with a heavenly eyes, but Ghoshairy  blives that  Muhammad  saw God with the  real eyes. Ghasemi in his poets had not mentioned the date of Mearaj, opening the chest and washing the hands of prophet Muhammad; although Ghoshairy has pointed to these two points. In this paper other differences also have been mentioned.
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