1- Tarbiat modares university , drdorri_3415@yahoo.com
2- H
Abstract: (3196 Views)
Hedayat’s world is filled with nihilistic notions. A world that lacks meaning and is filled with inconsistencies and multi-layered discrepancies. Fictional characters, paintings, translations among other works justify the nihilistic notions behind Hedayat’s cultural life both directly and indirectly. Hence in his stories, Sadegh Hedayat is a character directed to a world of oblivion. This bleakness and descent are more perceivable than any other concept in his work life. However, on the other end of the spectrum is Yuval Noah Harari. A historian who views the world, God, and humans with almost the same perspective long after Hedayat. In the mind of this renowned historian, a strong emphasis on the power of humans in material life is noticeable. As a result, in this article, an effort is made to expound and compare Harrari’s view in his book Homo-Sapiens along with Hedayat’s short stories concerning three basic elements; God, Human, and the world. In addition, the important aspect of this study is to explain the origin of such viewpoints. A comparative study based on the American school demonstrates that both writers carry the same view about those basic elements mentioned above, and rely on modern biological theories such as Darwinian theory. In the minds of these two writers, humans do not carry any holy or humanistic value; accordingly, the confusion that runs through the minds of Hedayat’s characters respond to this notion