Volume 8, Issue 3 (2020)                   CLRJ 2020, 8(3): 186-208 | Back to browse issues page

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Azadi deh abbasani N, Azar A E, Tahmasbi F. «Analysis of Manfred's play by Lord Byron based on influenced by Persian and Oriental literature». CLRJ 2020; 8 (3) :186-208
URL: http://clrj.modares.ac.ir/article-12-23176-en.html
1- Teacher of university Applied Sciences
2- Director of Department of Persian language and literature in Tehran University of Science Researches , Drazar.ir@gmail.com
3- Member the board of language and literature in Tehran university of science Research
Abstract:   (3461 Views)
George Gordon Lord Byron,a British poet of 19th century, was heavily influenced by Oriental and Persian literature in his works. The poet’s life coincided with beginning of the “Victorian age”, and “romanticism” style emergence and the beginning of the European literature’s impressionability presentation from Iranian literature and Persian language; hence he is known as an outstanding person and European renaissance’s symbol and among the Persian literature’s impressed ones.
In This research attempt to clarify the “Manfred” Play’s contribution among Lord Byron’s works in Persian literature’s impressionability through library and documentary tools and relying on an analytical and comparative method. The result is that the above work is influenced strikingly by the works of Persian literature and language, Oriental myths and culture in “symbols”, “concepts”, “fantasies” and even “lexical” terms, which are collected due to Byron’s studies in his subconscious. Also research data show that the two categories of “Zoroastrianism” and “mysticism”, in effectiveness of Persian literature, had the largest share which are presented under two total categories: character-making level and 
space-making level.
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