1- political Geography, faculty of humanities, university of tarbiat modares
2- political Geography
3- political science, tarbiat modares university
4- Persian language and literature
Abstract: (6391 Views)
Mirror for princes is an important stage of political thought development and presenting traditional functions of governance system that writing them have been continued for centuries. The provenance of apparition of the mirror for princes was existence of traditional for of governance, namely autocratic and dictator governances, therefore with formation of modern countries this kind of writing style has expired. Mirror for princes are texts in the context of political operation traditions and desirable approaches of administrating the governance. In Iran and Islamic World this literature tradition has enjoyed a particular popularity. So far many papers and books have been written regarding this literature tradition particularly from viewpoint of political doctrine. However, above paper tries to examine library references through descriptive-analytical method and to examine the philosophy of apparition and development, nature, objectives, features and functions of mirror for princes. Similarly, it is shown that the most important feature of mirror for princes was offering operational plans to governances.
Article Type:
Research Paper |
Pathology of Schools and Approaches to Adaptive Literature Received: 2018/02/16 | Accepted: 2019/09/11 | Published: 2019/09/11